fieldstations — e.v.  




Fieldstations — e.V. : Summer School 2016
Timeframe 09.09.2016 - 24.09.2016 : Teufelsberg, Berlin

sense adapt create

Summer School 2016 hosted by Field Station e.V. is the first of a series of informal multi-agent collaborative experiments focusing on Field Station: Theory, Practice and its Basecamp. No more than thirty students are accepted. Workshops are programmed and supervised by specialized Field Agents working intensively with students two to three days out of the two week workshop period. The Teufelsberg is open daily from dusk till dawn exposing students and their work to the general public, as such guests e.g. laymen, politicians, academics, artists are welcome to propose evening events e.g. food kitchens, performances, talks at Field Station.


10.9.16, 09:00 Public Introduction of Field Station e.V. and "Sense Adapt Create”, 13:00 exploration of Teufelsberg, 19:00 Fieldkitchen

14.9.16, 16:00 mini-symposium "Theory: Sense Adapt Create - Fieldstations" + Fieldkitchen, 20:00 Keynote

17.9.16, 13:00 mid-workshop review with guests, 20:00 Performance + Party

20.9.16, 16:00 mini-symposium "Practice: Sense Adapt Create - Fieldstations" + Fieldkitchen, 20:00 keynote

24.9.16, 16:00 Public presentation - workshop outcomes : Operational Fieldstations + Party


Four * (Site + Question + Kit + Group)
Four Field Stations + Basecamp


The Teufelsberg and former NSA Field Station Berlin with its historically significant background and unique aesthetics is a fantastic location. Built from Berlin's World War II rubble, Teufelsberg is the highest point in the city's urban space. It is "crowned" by the former NSA Field Station once used as a radar and listening post during the Cold War. The abandoned station and abandoned post German reunification investor project is now a space of possibilities: often seen as a utopian place overlooking Berlin, it is the ideal location for exploring contemporary questions related to our habitats.

A key aspect is: four groups of students each create compact field stations exploring the histories and ecologies within the various conditions offered by the premises. Each location suggests unique research topics. Students will receive field kits and/or vouchers for field station components.

The sites we've identified are:

Map of Teufelsberg Berlin | Field Stations and Basecamp

Field Station Theory

engages sociology, anthropology, media, science studies and philosophy relating to the Anthropocene’s agents, actors and spatial systems. Students adapt and create critical models and methods portable to Field Station’s study of the Anthropocene.

Field Station Practice

engages local environmental conditions of Teufelsberg. Students create and adapt remote sensing prototypes (e.g. drones, etc) gathering non-humanly perceivable spatial information or non-humanly negotiable spatial conditions of Teufelsberg. Students visualize collected data and speculate on data networking potentials. The workshop is hands on, multimedia based and hosted in the main hangar of Field Station.

Field Station Basecamp

negotiates immediate Field Station e.V. and community demands for additional renewable energy sources, secure shelter and future ideas. Students develop new functional concepts and apply them as one to one case study realisations on Teufelsberg.

Field Agents

Jose Alcocer, Hugo Araujo, Matthias Ballestrem, Christophe Barlieb, Katharina Beckmann, Matthias Böttger, Corneel Cannaerts, Camille Dubois, Carsten Fulland, Hauke Helmer, Lidia Gasperoni, Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann, Elisa Limberg, Sebastian Meier, Cornelius Meyer, Sebastian Müllauer, Holger Prang, Isabell Schrickel, Thomas Stadler.


09-17.09, first week: Students live on Teufelsberg to gain input from Field Agents (Theory: site visits, references, presentations & Practice: site analysis, field kits, field books, experiments, prototypes) to sense their local environments. Daily evening events.

Potential sensors: ground penetrating radar, GPS, environmental (solar radiation, air quality, acoustics, noise, wind, pressure, etc), cameras, drones (multicopters with variable sensors, openbouy, etc).

17.09 mid presentation and party
18.09 relaxation

19-24.09, second week: Four Field Stations adapt methods, models and media tuned to their environments and programs (higher resolution sensing) to create specific field stations while contributing their measurements towards a new opensource interactive geo-referenced data model of Teufelsberg located online and physically at Basecamp. Daily evening events.

24.09 Final presentation and party


Teufelsberg is a post WWII rubble hill with a Cold War ruin and post German reunification abandoned luxury hotel construction site atop it. Flora, fauna and humans are reclaiming the remotely situated "Hill" at the northern end of Grunewald. It is accessible by foot, bicycle and motor transportation, yet it lacks all forms of standard urban infrastructure.

Basecamp is situated on the lower eastern abandoned construction area, hosting the summer school organisation and interactive communication platforms: a metamorphosing public space.

The Whateverst Workshop is accessible to all summer school participants. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools to the workshop.

The Field Kitchen and Free Field are social hubs where students, Field Agents and public exchange knowledge and ideas.

Field Kitchen will be operated by rotating groups and assisted by Field Agents.

The Free Field is an open platform for communication, evening events are organized to generate new input and networks. Performances, Talks, etc welcome.

Academic Partners

Sustainable Architecture + Spatial Tactics - Kunstuniversität Linz
TU Berlin
IDL | Interaction Design Lab University of Applied Sciences Potsdam


Organization: Fieldstations — e.V.
Sponsors: Fieldstations — e.V., TBA
Academic Administration:
TU Berlin: Prof. Dr. Matthias Ballestrem, Katharina Beckmann
Kunstuniversität Linz: Prof. Matthias Böttger
FH Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Frank Heidmann, Sebastian Meier

sense adapt create (design, layout and code) by @freefield, fieldstations — e.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License